Recently, I've been studying The Most Holy Trinosophia, an occult text attributed to the Count of St. Germain. While he is a fascinating character, we won't focus much on him here. I want to talk about the book itself and my thoughts on it.
I wrote a post about the alchemical stages, a subject I hadn't thought much about until I really started studying this book. There are so many layers of symbolism that I'm sure I've only barely scratched the surface with my knowledge of the planets, alchemy, elemental energies, astrology, mythology, and tarot. But I'd like to share my interpretations, along with some interpretations by Manly P. Hall that I agree with (though I think a lot of his opinions were a bit of a stretch). I'll also be referencing Adam McLean's study course, which you should consider checking out. It's $25 for a PDF or $30 for a physical copy, which is a pretty good deal for this kind of stuff. McLean takes sort of the opposite approach to Hall, only working with what's actually in the text whereas Hall seems to get lost in the weeds sometimes.
The Most Holy Trinosophia is a short work which is so incredibly dense with figurative language and imagery that I'm positive just about anything could be mapped onto it. That's part of the appeal, though; you'll see what you can see. While there's a lot of meaning that most of us could probably agree on, there's also a ton of room for personal perspectives. I've always believed that art ultimately belongs to the viewer, and I think this is a perfect example of that.
I plan to write one blog post for each of the twelve sections. I'd love for you to read along. Here's a link to the original French with an English translation and here's a link to the simplified version that Meg helped me create.
These posts will be my own thoughts and interpretations on the text, so don't take any of it as gospel. Take what speaks to you and leave the rest. I hope this can be helpful.
Stay safe!
- me